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Dar Mlodziezy rules the waves!

September 3, 2011

Polish ship, Dar Mlodziezy, operated by the Gdynia Maritime University, stole the show this afternoon when she was awarded the much-coveted Friendship Trophy, the highlight of Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta.  

Earlier her crew had joined those from the rest of the fleet in a noisy and colourful procession through the port, into the town and down to the beach, watched by tens of thousands of visitors.  

At the prize giving stage at central beach, the crews were welcomed by Race Chairman Mr Robin Snouck Hurgronje, the Chairman of STA Poland, Admiral Marek Bragosvewski, President of STA Poland, Mr Adam Jesser and the Mayor of Gdynia, Mr Wojciech Szczurek.

The first prize to be awarded was the Choren trophy – donated and presented by the designer of Mir (Russia) and Dar Mlodziezy (Poland), Mr Zygmunt Choren.  The trophy was awarded to the winner of a private race between the two sister ships.  The trophy was awarded to Dar Mlodziezy – one award of several to be received by the local ship.

Prizes were then awarded for Race Two as follows:

Class A on corrected time

1st  Dar Mlodziezy (Poland)

2nd  Mir (Russia)

3rd  Fryderyk Chopin (Poland)

Class B on corrected time

1st  Tecla (Netherlands)

2nd  Brabander (Lithuania)

3rd  Johann Smidt (Germany)

Class C on corrected time

1st  4 Oceans’ Dream (Poland)

2nd  Villa Mare (Finland)

3rd  Smialy (Poland)

Class D on corrected time

1st  Lieteva (Lithuania)

2nd  Fujimo (USA)

3rd  Lady B (Poland)

Overall on corrected time

1st  Dar Mlodziezy

2nd  Lietuva 

3rd  Fujimo

Additional prizes for Race Two were awarded as follows:

First ship across the Finish Line:  Lietuva (Lithuania)

1st overall on Corrected Time:  Dar Mlodziezy

Special prizes donated by Sail Training International for Race Two

Communications Prize (Race Two):  Fryderyk Chopin 

Honourable Company of Master Mariners’ Trophy:  For conducting the last 120 miles of the second race under emergency steering – 4 Oceans’ Dream

Best Crew in Crew Parade:  Thalassa (Netherlands)

Youngest Average Aged Crew:  Butterfly (Poland)

Most International Crew:  Mir 

Series trophy Class A:  Mir

Series trophy Class B:  Tecla

Series trophy Class C:  4 Oceans’ Dream

Series trophy Class D:  Fujimo

Friendship Trophy – awarded to the ship voted for by the Captains and crews of the fleet, who has done most to promote international friendship and understanding:  Dar Mlodziezy

For the full list of results for Race Two by Class, click here

For the full list of results for Race Two Overall, click here

For the full list of resu

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