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Sports day for crews and captains

September 3, 2011

It has been a busy morning for crews as they competed in sports activities on the central beach.  Sumo wrestling, mini-bike riding, wall climbing and beach volleyball were some of the sports on offer.  Prizes for each competition will be awarded during the crew party this evening, with the overall winner being offered the opportunity to view the fleet from a whole new angle while bungee jumping!

Meantime the fleet captains have been having some sporting competition of their own, and in vessels much smaller than those they normally sail.  The Captains’ Optimist Dinghy Regatta created something of a stir on the beach as those we normally see in full command of their vessels ran from a standing start into the water and into their dinghy to sail around a buoy and back.  At least that was the plan.  While a few did manage to gracefully board and catch the wind, others bobbed around while bailing water for all they were worth!  

This afternoon the crew parade will take place, starting at the main pier at 1700 hrs (local) and finishing at the main stage on central beach where the race prize giving will take place.

The Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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