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Race report 3 – 30 August PM report

August 30, 2011

After a challenging day’s sailing, the fleet is heading towards Gdynia with the leaders due to arrive from Wednesday.  

Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) remains in first position in Class A with 198 miles to go, followed by Mir (Russia) ahead of Fryderyk Chopin (Poland) in third position, all on corrected time.  

Tecla (Netherlands) remains the leader in Class B, with Johann Smidt (Germany) and Brabander (Lithuania) taking second and third place respectively, all on corrected time.

Polish vessel 4 Oceans’ Dream – pictured – is leading Class C, ahead of Villa Mare (Finland) and Smialy (Poland) in third, all on corrected time.

In Class D, Lietuva (Lithuania) leads ahead of Fujimo (USA) in second and Anya (Finland) in third place, all on corrected time.  Lietuva is also first on the water (129 miles from the finish line) as well as first overall.

Two vessels failed to report at this evening’s communications schedule although they are both clearly visible on the Yellow Brick tracker  – Elena (Russia) and Butterfly (Poland), who has tacked far over to the west of the rhumb line.

Russian ship Kruzenshtern has retired but will be joining the fleet in Gdynia.  

At the time of reporting the vessels in the vicinity of the communications ship were experiencing SSW wind at some 28 knots.  However this appears, in some areas, to have now decreased to between 10 and 15 knots,   which will make for more comfortable sailing as they make their way south. 

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