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Race Report 4 – 23 August PM Report

August 22, 2011

At the time of this evening’s reporting schedule, the fleet had more or less split into two camps – those north of Gotland and heading towards the finish line, and those still struggling to get past Waypoint Two.

Changes have been made in most classes during the course of the day.    

In Class A Mir (Russia) remains in first position followed by Kruzenshtern (Russia) whilst Gulden Leeuw (Netherlands) has crept up to third place,  all on corrected time.

In Class B local vessel Helena (Finland) – pictured – has taken the lead from Tecla (Netherlands) with De Gallant (Netherlands) in third position, all on corrected time.

In Class C, St Iv (Estonia) remains in first place, with 4 Oceans Dream (Poland) taking second place from Camelot (Poland), all on corrected time.

In Class D, Fujimo (USA) is holding her lead and racing towards the finish (at the time of the report she was only 20 miles from the finish line) while Akela (Russia) is in second position and Variag (Russia) remains in third, all on corrected time.  


Johann Smidt (Germany) has retired and is now motoring towards Turku.

The weather remains light this evening south of Gotland and, although it is forecast to increase to SE between 14-18 kts tomorrow,  the vessels south of Waypoint 2 will struggle even with the predicted wind to make the race finish line in time.  The Race Committee have therefore reluctantly decided to bring forward the time limit.    The new race time limit is 0500 UTC 24 August for Class A vessels  and 0530 UTC 24 August for Classes B, C & D.  

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