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Sail Trainees in Orkney are getting set for a Summer Adventure

January 24, 2011

Nineteen young adults from Orkney in the UK are ready to embark upon the adventure of a lifetime after being selected to take part in The Tall Ships Races 2011.

The Cruise in Company leg of this year’ races will take place between Greenock and Lerwick. Participating vessels will be welcomed into a variety of guest harbours as they sail north including Campbeltown, Islay, Oban, Ullapool, Stornoway, Stromness, Kirkwall, Fair Isle, Scalloway, Yell, Unst and/or Whalsay.

As one of the guest harbours, Orkney has been actively seeking local trainees to take part in The Tall Ships Races and enjoy the opportunity to sail in their home waters.

Business development manager at Orkney Island’ Council, Michael Morrison, said: äóìWe are delighted that we can offer this fantastic opportunity to our young people. We have selected a great bunch of young sail trainees who will definitely make the most of this experience.

“pplicants who had expressed an interest in the project last year got the chance to board the Class A Tall Ship, Statsraad Lehmkuhl, in Autumn 2010. This was a great way of getting a first hand glimpse of life on a tall ship, which was enough to whet their appetites for the 2011 races!äó

Sail trainee, Craig Horton, said: äóìI saw the advertisement in the paper and I knew that this was an opportunity not to be missed. I also knew if I didn’t apply I’d regret it so I had to give it a go!äó

Sail trainee Morna Brown sailed onboard the Ocean Youth Trust Scotland Vessel Alba Explorer last summer. She said: äóìI learnt so much about sailing and made some great friends which I still keep in touch with. I enjoyed this trip so much that I just couldn’t pass up the chance to take part again.

äóìWhen we sailed on board Alba Explorer it wasn’t a race leg so I’m really hoping that I will have the opportunity to experience a competitive leg this year, so that I can see how fast we can get the ship to go!äó

THE TALL SHIPS RACES are Presented by Szczecin and Organised by Sail Training International.

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