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Trainees return to their ships after Cruise in Company exchange

July 29, 2010

Now that the ships are arriving in Kristiansand it is time for those trainees who have exchanged ships during the cruise in company to return to their own ships.  One such trainee is Maxim Belov (19), a naval cadet from Mir (Russia).  Maxim is four months into a six month placement on Mir and was chosen to be one of ten exchange cadets to gain additional experience of sailing and the culture of another vessel as the fleet made its way from Aalborg to Kristiansand.

The five days that Maxim spent on Shabab Oman (Oman) have been an interesting and happy time for him. äóìThe Omani people are so happy and friendly all of the time.  Even while they are working they sing – it is like a festival on board!äó said Maxim.  äóìThe food is very different to that I am used to, but I believe that in life we should try unfamiliar things.äó

Basem Saleh Al-Balushi and Hilal Salim Al-Mazrooi are two cadets returning to Shabab Oman from their cruise in company experience on Iskra ORP (Poland).  äóìThe experience was very interesting to us, spending time with the Polish crew was very enjoyable.  We were pleased to find they were such a friendly ship.äó

Pic: Maxim Belov with new friend from Shabab Oman

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To view the final results of the first race and full prize list, click here.  To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races, presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.

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