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Fleet on the move!

July 24, 2010

The fleet have now left Aalborg and are heading for various places around the Danish, Swedish and Norwegian coasts.  After the buzz and excitement of Aalborg, the crews are now settling down into their ship’ routine and getting to know their way around and their fellow trainees.

On board Wylde Swan (Netherlands) the new crew got their first taste of sail setting as the schooner sail was set shortly before passing the saluting vessel where the Race Chairman and local dignitaries were there to receive it.   They then headed in to Hals to drop of their liaison officer who had come along for the ride and to pick up another crew member. 

The small harbour at Hals was packed with people watching the fleet go

by, with several, including Shtandart (Russia) and Thalassa (Netherlands) already tied up alongside.

Many of the ships have arranged to meet up in various ports and some have swapped crew members to experience life onboard another vessel.


To view the final results of the first race and full prize list, click here. 

To see more images from The Tall Ships Races, click here.

The Tall Ships Races, presented by Szczecin and organised by Sail Training International.

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