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Cultural Entertainment

May 29, 2010

Istanbul’s Karakí_y quayside pulsed to the sound of drums and bagpipes today as Dewaruci and Shabab Oman entertained guests and the public to a variety of cultural dances and music.

On the Indonesian ship Dewaruci, traditional dancers dressed as warriors entertained guests on board as well as the public who watched from along the quayside. Traditional Indonesian dancers and drummers also delighted the watching public with many people getting involved and dancing to the beat of the drums. 

Berthed alongside, Shabab Oman also entertained guests with Oman’s own brand of bagpiped music and dancing. Before long the band had moved off the ship and onto the quayside where they attracted a crowd who clapped and danced around them. 

The public were clearly charmed by both ships’ display of their music and culture and swarmed along the quaysides to visit all the ships in the fleet.

Tomorrow is the last day of the four day festival and the fleet will undock and take part in a parade of sail that will take them along the Asian coast of Turkey. They will then pass through the Sea of Marmara and the Canakkale canal and out to an area where the race start will take place. 

The fleet will then race to Lavrion in Greece, where they are due to arrive by 4 June.

To view the results of races 1 and 2, click here

To see more images from the Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta in Istanbul, click here.

The Historical Seas Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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