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International crew on Pogoria

April 16, 2010

Mixing with other nationalities has been one of the highlights for four young people who have sailed to Trapani on board Pogoria, the Polish vessel. In total eight nationalities sailed on board the ship from Genoa and for three young Germans, this was one of the best things about the trip. 

“Sailing with an international crew on board was really good fun and made it different from being just with our own nationality,” said Christian Kosack (second from right). “The ship is a great one to sail with as she has yards to climb as well as other sails so has great variety.”

For Marc Mato (on right), a Spaniard who is currently living in France, the experience was different to anything he’s done before even though he has been sailing on small yachts. “I guess there would have been more action if we had more wind during the race, but it was still really good fun and I liked the fact that there were different nationalities on board,” said Marc.

The three young Germans, Achim Mester, Leonie Schenzle and Christian Kosack (left to right) are all friends from university in Aachen and decided to take part in the event and make the most of the trip to spend some time in Sicily afterwards. “It was a really good experience to sail on a Tall Ship,” said Leonie, “it would have been nice to have more wind maybe but it was maybe a bit easier than we had imagined it would be,” she said, although admitted that all three had been sick for the first day when it was quite choppy on the water. 

Christian Kosack said he climbed to the top of the mast when they were alongside which he thought was great fun, but had only managed to go up a short way while sailing. Leonie also climbed to the second yard but admitted she had needed help. 

The three German youngsters are hoping that a friend will be able to come out to meet them from Dusseldorf but are worried that the volcanic ash cloud could stop her arriving tomorrow. “We are going to take the opportunity of seeing some of Sicily while we are here, so we really hope she arrives in time to join us,” said Christian.

Marc is also spending a few more days in Trapani before going on to Palermo and then back to France. However, the first thing all four are going to do is enjoy tonight’s crew party and take part in tomorrow’s crew parade and prize giving.  

The Garibaldi Tall Ships Regatta is organised by Sail Training International.

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