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Tecla heading for Trapani

April 16, 2010

The Dutch vessel Tecla has now arrived in Trapani but last night Janette Sluik sent in the following report of their last hours sailing from Genoa:

“It was a sunny evening after a cloudy day with all sails up, a speed of 6.5 to 7.0 knots and still 49.4 miles to go to Trapani.  We just had diner on the deck, the red watch doing the dishes. Today was cleaning day as we want Tecla to look good when we enter Trapani. Tomorrow we will have open ship, so we have to look nice for all the people who are visiting the ships. 

“We have received a few emails from people who think we came in first in our class, but we are sorry to say that we came second and that the results from yesterday were not entirely correct because not every ship had given their finish position by that time. The provisional results make us second in class and sixth overall. There could still be a protest or something like that, which can change everything again. The race director will check all the race declaration forms in Trapani. 

“Our Sicily boys keep looking at the gps to see the speed and distance to their home port. It must be wonderful there with many fishing boats and a long history of sailing. At the moment everybody is making jokes about the swallows (about ten), which try to attack the ship, by flying against the sail, we told them to fly north but they seem to be tired. 

“The dolphins here, are the opposite, they jump roll and play all day long, Jan almost hit a turtle, a small one, it looked backwards, as if it was saying, mind your speed!”

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