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Race report three: race finished on water

June 11, 2015

The Baltic Tall Ships Regatta race from

Klaipeda, Lithuania to Szczecin, Poland finished at sea yesterday evening (Wednesday 10 June) at 2200

UTC (midnight local time).


ships are now making their way into harbour and the first vessel

expected into port today is  Dar Mlodziezy (Poland). It is expected

to have the whole fleet alongside in Szczecin on the Odra Zachodnia by midday

tomorrow (Friday 12 June).


on the satellite navigation system Yellow Brick are only provisional so no announcement

on the winners can be made – the Sail Training International Race Committee is

now calculating the final results, using a time correction factor equation, and

the overall winner and winners in each class will be announced on Saturday 13



Snouck Hurgronje, Chairman, Sail Training International said, äóìWe spoke to many

trainees in Klaipeda, who were sailing for the first time and shared with us

their hopes and fears for the race across the Baltic.  We are looking forward to talking to them

again to find out what their experiences were – I have no doubt they will be

positive and many will want to take part in a Tall Ships event again.äó


Szczecin is busy preparing for the crew arrivals and the festivities planned

for the coming weekend.  The weather

forecast in Szczecin looks hot – reaching temperatures of 28 degrees celsius

and Piotr Krzystek, Mayor of the City of Szczecin said, äóìI am very glad to host

the Baltic Tall Ships Regatta and welcome the captain and crews to Szczecin.

The coming days will see one of the greatest maritime celebrations in this part

of Europe and thousands of people will once again come to admire the wonderful

vessels, meet the crews and take part in the many attractions we have prepared

over the coming days.”

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